Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas And New Years

For Christmas we do what we usually do which is all the family come round to our house for breakfast and we open presents there I got a purple ipod Nano and a purple fishing rod which was quite cool I also got things like vouchers and chocolate and things like that during the day we went to the cemetery were my uncle, my great Gran and my cousin are buried then we went to my Grandmas for tea i got some more presents chocolate and vouchers and we played patonc (don't know how to spell it but the game were you have to throw the metal balls at a little wooden ball) and then we went home and fell asleep.
Then we came up here a few days ago to see my dad and he gave me my present which was 4 small Britney spears perfumes which smell very nice.

We went up to Christchurch on the 27th of December to see my mums second cousin(Don't know what she is called to me) Kimberley Jones she is quite the cool cat love her xx she lives in Riccarton with her partner Craig and her two step kids that come to see their dad sometimes Rose is 6 and Sequoia who is 13 I like Sequoia but can't stand Rose she is an obnoxious little brat.
On New years eve we had some friends over and it was quite fun none of the parents got drunk :( and we had no fireworks because kims dog manu is scared of them but we had sparklers and the little kids were scared of them but by the end they loved them so we didn't get very many because there were quite a few little kids.
all in all it was a very good night and week in Christchurch and a very good Christmas

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